Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dani's Wedding Planning: THE CENTERPIECES!

So.. Dani started her wedding with beige and orange/bronze colors... to the point that the Flower Girl and Ring bearer outfits had already been accostumed to these. But then as time passed we began realizing that the location of the church and the venue really allowed for something more summery (if there is such a word!) and beachy.. so we went from beige and orange to turqouise, blue, baby blue etc! FUN FUN FUN
after looking for sea shells, stars, etc etc, Dani founf the perfect ones on the internet and bought them! last thursday the CENTERPIECES were created! between 6crazy girls (dani, dani's mom and three sisters, and myself) they happended! we are sooo very proud of our centerpieces because truly it was every ones imagination incorporated! and to give it a final touch, small cute crabs will put placed iunside the vases for a LIVE decoration! (of course these will be returned to the beach after the reception)

What do you think??? like it?

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